
Why not ?

I told you last month I went to USA, thats why I'm going to write some posts in this blog in english, I'll try to describe some places that I visited, some restaurants and some citys, hope you enjoy the posts.

Also is a excercise to me, to put in practice my grammar, so if I make a mistake, please let me know ;)

4 comentarios:

feryac dijo...

creo que esta un poco dificl porque mi gramatica no es muy buena que digamos jeje pero ya veremos... y seria bueno que comentara en ingles no? XD

Javihm77 dijo...

we want pics!!!! an album of 1000 pics would be nice! jaja

Juls dijo...

Ill be waiting for the posts ;)

Axelandra dijo...

feryac: Definitivamente seguirán post en español ;) únicamente los del viaje van a ser diferentes

Chapu: 1000 pics !!!! I only have 400 pics, and a few are in fb ;)

Juls: txs ;)